[NHCOLL-L:366] RE: Crisis at CM Herbarium

Richard Rabeler rabeler at umich.edu
Fri Dec 3 13:07:38 EST 1999

If any of you received the message I have reprinted below when you tried
to read the post about the CM Herbarium, could not read the message, but
would like to, I now have a version that should be able to be seen by all.  
I'll be glad to send it along.

The joys of dealing with e-mail systems!

Richard K. Rabeler,
Collections Manager, Vascular Plants
University of Michigan

> > 
> > This message uses a character set that is not supported by the Internet
> > Service.  To view the original message content,  open the attached
> > message. If the text doesn't display correctly, save the attachment to
> > disk, and then open it using a viewer that can display the original
> > character set. << File: message.txt >> 

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