[NHCOLL-L:385] Collection Manager Performance Appraisal

Charlene Fricker FRICKER at acnatsci.org
Thu Dec 23 17:43:19 EST 1999

Dear all,

The Biodiversity Group of the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia is currently re-evaluating its collection manager performance reviews.   The goal is to implement a more rigorous performance review than was previously done in the history of this institution.  These reviews will play an instrumental role in setting professional goals as well as in the determination of salary increases.  All of the collection managers in our group--including Malacology, Invertebrate Paleontology, Vertebrate Palentology, Ornithology, Entomology, Herpetology, Mammalogy, and Botany--have met to discuss possible outlines.  In order to assist us with crafting our own system, at this time we invite other collection managers or others involved in collection management to share with us, if possible, the systems used in their respective institutions.

Thank you in advance.

Wishing all of you a happy and healthy holiday season!

Charlene Fricker 

Charlene Fricker
Collection Manager
Department of Malacology
Academy of Natural Sciences
1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia, PA  19103-1195
Email:  fricker at acnatsci.org
Tel:  215-299-1173
Fax: 215-299-1170

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