[NHCOLL-L:206] Fluids & tags therein

Luis A. Ruedas lruedas at sevilleta.unm.edu
Tue Jul 27 14:23:09 EDT 1999

Fellow NHCOLL-lers:

Would any of you perchance know of a way to simulate the effects of time
on tag materials placed in fluid?  Would elevating the temperature for a
period of time do it?  Etc...  Hard to do these sorts of things in a
timely manner, instead of waiting for 20+ years...

Thanks in advance.


                            Luis A. Ruedas
                    Museum of Southwestern Biology
                         Department of Biology
                       University of New Mexico
                  Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87131-1091

voice: 505/277-5340                               fax: 505/277-0304
                  e-mail: lruedas at sevilleta.unm.edu
               web: http://sevilleta.unm.edu/~lruedas/

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