[NHCOLL-L:54] Feathers--forwarded

Sally Shelton Shelton.Sally at NMNH.SI.EDU
Fri Mar 26 13:00:14 EST 1999

Please respond directly to Haleema Mini, not to me. VCheers, Sally

Forwarded from "Haleema Mini" <hmini at hotmail.com>

Good evening,

I am a grad student in museum studies doing a research on how to care 
for feathers collection.  I have a very hard time finding any 
information about it.  The info I need, specifically, is:

1.  Different types of specimen and artifacts that have feathers on 

2.  What causes feathers to deteriorate: pest, light, etc.

3.  How to care for feathers: humidity, light, cleaning, etc.  and how

to exhibit them.

4.  Health concern.
Please e-mail me the info.  If you would like to mail me anything, 
please send to Haleema Mini, 895 Seventh Street, Charleston, IL,

I would appreciate you letting me know if you could help me at your 
earliest convenience.  I need to present my paper on April 10!  Thanks

so much.

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