[NHCOLL-L:149] Curators, collection managers and registrars

Fabio Penati museo.morbegno at provincia.so.it
Thu May 13 03:07:22 EDT 1999

Dear Colleagues,

yesterday I went to a workshop about "Registrar", held in Milan, where this profession, new for Italian Museums, has been presented. I asked to the speakers (all coming from artistic museums!!!!) to explain the differences among registrar's, curator's and collection manager's missions in a museum of natural history, but they were not able.
So, if someone of you has enough time to answer to this question, it would be surely very useful for all Italian curators working in the museums of natural history. In fact, we wish to understand how "registrar" can work with us and what she/he can do in Italian istitutions.
Thank you very much.

Fabio Penati
Museo Civico di Storia Naturale
Via Cortivacci, 2
23017 Morbegno (SO), Italy
tel. +39 0342 612451, fax +39 0342 615528
e-mail: museo.morbegno at provincia.so.it 
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