[NHCOLL-L:316] Re: Dinosaurs

j. guan jguan at blue.weeg.uiowa.edu
Tue Nov 9 12:57:11 EST 1999

Dear Sir:
I wrote a book "the Ancient animals of China' one year's ago. It include
nearly all skeletons of dinosaurs from China. It may useful for you if you
involve Chinese dinosaurs. There are some good picture in the book.
Department of geology
University of Iowa

On Thu, 4 Nov 1999 Omodaddy at AOL.COM wrote:

> Hi. I am a high school student who is trying to complete her science fair 
> project and I need your help in giving me anything you have on dinosaurs: any 
> diagramas, chats, graphs or data, etc. and also if you have any outline on 
> dinosaurs I would be gald to see your outline.
> Thank you very much.

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