[NHCOLL-L:331] Data security and availability.

A Bentley A.Bentley at ru.ac.za
Wed Nov 17 02:44:51 EST 1999

Hi all

I wonder if anyone could help me with information or ideas.

We at the JLB Smith Institute are at present looking at making our 
fish collection web accessible.  However there are issues of data 
security and availability that seem to be causing some 
consternation among staff.  These issues involve ideas of copyright 
and amount and complexity of data made available.  How much 
data should be made available on the web and what are the 
concerns in making this data available?  There is obviously inherent 
value to such data and as such it should be protected from 
unwanted or unwarranted use by some means.  Is there any 
published material dealing with these issues?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance


¦                                                                    ¦
¦    ---------------        ANDY BENTLEY          ---------------    ¦
¦    -----------         COLLECTION MANAGER           -----------    ¦
¦    --------    JLB SMITH INSTITUTE OF ICHTHYOLOGY      --------    ¦
¦    ----                    GRAHAMSTOWN                     ----    ¦
¦    --                         6140                           --    ¦
¦    -                      SOUTH AFRICA                        -    ¦
¦                                                                    ¦
¦         TEL: +09-27-46-63611002       FAX:  +09-27-46-6222403        ¦
¦                                                                    ¦
¦                        A.Bentley at RU.AC.ZA                       ¦
¦                                                                    ¦ 

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