[NHCOLL-L:347] can anyone use these books?

Holly I. McEntee hmcentee at facstaff.wisc.edu
Mon Nov 22 12:44:23 EST 1999

Hello all.  In an attempt to refine our library, the Zoological Museum has
decided to part with two books that may be of interest to someone "out
there."  They are:

Herrick, Francis H.  Natural History of the American Lobster.  Bulletin of
the Bureau of Fisheries, vol. XXIX.  Washington DC: Government Printing
Office.  1911.  408 pp. several color and black & white plates.  Good

Erdl, M.P.  Entwicklung des Hummereies von den ersten Veranderungen im
Dotter an bis zur Reife des Embryo.  Munchen: J. Palm's Hofbuchhandlung.
1843.  40 pp.  several very nice color and black & white hand-drawn?
plates.  Fair condition.  Written in German.

If anyone is interested in these volumes, please email me off-list.
First-come first-serve.

Thank you,

Holly McEntee, Registrar
University of Wisconsin Zoological Museum
Lowell E. Noland Zoology Building
250 N. Mills Street
Madison, WI  53706-1794
Phone/Fax:  608-262-3766/5395
hmcentee at facstaff.wisc.edu

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