[NHCOLL-L:280] mammal skull evaluation

Stuart Fullerton stuartf at pegasus.cc.ucf.edu
Wed Oct 13 14:29:03 EDT 1999


Here at the UCFC, which includes a small mammal skin and skull collection,
we are in the process of taking in a small collection of exotic mammal

The collection si being donated by an anthropologist who has been working
witha Yuqui Indian Settlement in Bolva. All the specimens have been
cleaned, identified, and tagged including the date (month) and year
collected, and the name of the native that did the collection as a part of
indigenous subsistence hunting. Thus the specimens were literlay taken
from the garbage heap as it were and show the signs and dammages of method
of capture.  Te donor wishes to place some valuation on the skulls, not
for tax reasons, but rather in an effort to help us place a "value" on the
collection in the eyes of the administration and that of the University
Foundation, through which all "in-kind" donations must be given.

We as the recipient can not, nor have i(we) the ability, place a value on
the specimens. But- some of you might be able to make some suggestions
that might be passed on to the donor.

The specimens include:

Aotus trivirgatus - night monkey

Bradypus tridactylus - three-toed sloth

Coendou prehensilis  - brazilian porcupine

Dasyprocta variagata  - agouti

Agouti paca - paca

Dasypus novemcinctus  - nine-banded armadillo

Mazama americana - red brockett deer

Eira barbara - tayra

Potos flavus  - kinkajou

Nasua nasua  - coati

Felis concolor  - puma

Felis pardalis  - ocelot

Lutra longicaudis  - southern river otter

Panthera onca  - Jaguar

Tayassu tajacu  - collard peccary

Tapirus terrestris  - tapier

Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris  -  capybara

Sciurus  sp  - red squirrell

Cebus apella  - Capuchin monkey

Saimiri sciureus  - squirrel monkey

Any help you can provide to me that i can in return provide to Dr. S.  
would be greatly appreciated.

Thanking you in advance.

cheers!  rof

Stuart M Fullerton ROF, Research Associate in charge of Arthropod
Collections (UCFC), Biology Dept. University of Central Florida, Orlando,
Florida, 32816, USA. stuartf at pegasus.cc.ucf.edu

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