[NHCOLL-L:290] Stolen Specimens

Tim White tim.white at yale.edu
Wed Oct 20 13:20:50 EDT 1999

Subject: stolen specimens Institute of Geological Sciences
and  Geiseltalmuseum of the Martin-Luther-University Halle in

Dear Colleagues,
We wish to inform you about the following specimens which
have been reported stolen from the Institute of Geological Sciences
and Geiseltalmuseum of the Martin-Luther-University Halle in
Germany. Should you have any information concerning the whereabouts
of any of  the samples please contact us offline at the following

Prof. Dr. Hartmut Haubold
phone: +49/345/5526100
fax: +49/345/5527179
email: haubold at geologie.uni-halle.de
or contact the police at +49/345/224 2000 and give them the
number 12824/99

List of stolen specimens (English/German):

1. Gypsum cast of Janassa bituminosa (oesting rayoes.l., Rochen i.w.S.) 
Permian; from the Kupferschiefer of the Mansfelder Mulde. Approximately 
30cm long.

2. Prepared and treated skull of Esox [Trematina] lucius, (pike, Hecht) 
Recent; Approximately 30cm long.

3. Prepared and treated skeleton of Perca fluviatiles (perch, Flu*barsch),
Recent; mounted on a black wood support. Approximately 30cm

4. Prepared and treated skeleton of Lepidosteus osseus (long-nosed gar,
Knochenhecht), Recent; mounted on a black wood support. Approximately 30cm

5. Prepared and treated skeleton of Rana mugiens (giant frog s.l.,
Ochsenfrosch) Inv.-Nr. 130, Recent; mounted on a black wood
support. Approximately 20cm long.

6. Prepared and treated skeleton of Natrix (old label possibly as 
natrix (gras snake, Ringelnatter) Inv.-Nr. 445, Recent; mounted on a black 
support. Approximately 50cm long.

7. Prepared and treated skeleton of Alligator mississipiensis (juvenile, 
about 1m) with labelled bones, Recent; mounted on a black wood support.
Approximately 1m long.

8. Prepared and treated skeleton of Python sp. (python, Python) Inv.-Nr. 44,
Recent; mounted on a black wood support. Approximately 15cm  long.

9. Prepared and treated skull of Gavialis gangeticus, (gavial, Gangesgavial)
Recent; Approximately 40cm long.

10. Prepared and treated skull of Ornithorhynchus paradoxus (platypus,
Schnabeltier) Inv.-Nr. 418, Recent. Approximately 10cm long.

11. Prepared and treated skeleton of Petaurus breviceps  (lesser gliding 
Zwergflugbeutler) Inv.-Nr. 249, Recent; mounted on a black wood support.
Approximately 30cm long.

12. Prepared and treated skull of Phyllostomus perspicillocum (spear- nosed
bat, Fledermaus), Recent; Approximately 5cm long.

13. Prepared and treated amour plate skin of Dasypus sp. (long-nosed 
G*rteltier) Inv.-Nr. 381, Recent; mounted on a black wood support. 
Approximately 70cm long.

14. Prepared and treated skull of Lutra lutra (river otter, Fischotter) Inv.-
Nr. 437, Recent; Approximately 10cm long.

15. Prepared and treated skeleton of Felis sp. (cat s.l., Katze) Inv.-Nr. 290,
Recent; mounted on a black wood support. Approximately 50 cm long.

16. Prepared and treated skull of Delphinus sp. (dolphin s.l., Delphin),
Recent; Approximately 50cm long.

17. Prepared and treated metacarpals and phalanxes of Hippopotamus major 
(hippo, Flu*pferd), Recent; isolated bones, Approximately 30cm total length.

18. Prepared and treated skeleton of Hapale (Callithrix) jacchus (short- 
tusked marmoset, Wei*b*schel*ffchen) Inv.-Nr. 94, Recent; mounted on a 
black wood support. Approximately 30cm long

Dr. J. Erfurt
Institute of Geological Sciences and Geiseltalmuseum
Martin-Luther-University Halle/S.
Domstrasse 5
D - 06108 Halle
Tel.: Germany/345/5526118
Fax.: Germany/345/5527530
E-mail: erfurt at geologie.uni-halle.de

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