[NHCOLL-L:249] Fixative query

Jane O'Donnell bioadm4 at uconnvm.uconn.edu
Mon Sep 20 13:28:50 EDT 1999

>I am posting this for 
Julie Hagelin <hagelin at sp.uconn.edu>
, a faculty member. Please respond to her directly.

>Subject: Fixative query
>I am taking measurements on some bird brain specimens (olfactory bulb,
>cerebrum) that were originally fixed in 10% formalin for a period of time
>(e.g. months), but were subsequently placed in 80% EtOH where they have
>remained for the past 5 yrs.  This is an endangered parrot species, so
>very, very few pickled specimens exist.
>I am comparing my data of brain measurements to other bird species that
>were fixed ONLY in 10% formalin.
>Does anyone have any ideas, citations, etc. on the following:
>1) How my measurements may differ from those specimens that are fixed only
>in formalin? E.g.: Should I expect more shrinkage of tissues in 80% EtOH?
>Or, possibly:  Once tissues are preserved in formalin, they don't change,
>even after moving them to 80% EtOH?
>2) Might I expect different types of tissue in the brain to pickle or
>shrink at different rates?  (e.g. might I expect the olfactory bulb tissue
>to behave differently than the rest of the brain?).  How might formalin vs.
>80% ethanol affect differ?
>Thank you in advance for any information you may have,
>Julie Hagelin
>Julie C. Hagelin, Ph.D.
>University of Connecticut
>Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
>75 North Eagleville Rd, U-43
>Storrs, CT 06269-3043
>ph: 860-486-0811 (office), 486-4322 (receptionist)
>fax: 860-486-6364
>email: hagelin at sp.uconn.edu 
Jane O'Donnell, Ph.D.
Manager of Scientific Collections
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, U-43
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT 06269-3043
Phone: (860)486-4451
Fax: (860)486-6364

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