[NHCOLL-L:425] coll. mgr. salaries--apology

Panza, Robin PanzaR at CarnegieMuseums.Org
Tue Feb 8 09:13:09 EST 2000

> 			I have caused some misunderstanding about the
> "study" I'm doing on salaries for collection managers.  Some people
> received the impression that this was an official study mandated by the
> director of Carnegie Museum.  This is definitely not the case.  I have
> undertaken this poll entirely under my own initiative, without the
> knowledge or approval of our director.  The poll was inspired by a rumor
> which was generated by the misunderstanding of facts.  Dr. Apt, director
> of CM, has explained to me that such is not the case, that he was in fact
> planning to conduct a proper, official benchmarking study of collection
> manager salaries.
> 			I apologize profoundly for the confusion engendered
> by my request to NHCOLL-L for information on salaries.
> 			Sincerely,
> 			Robin
> 			Robin K Panza
> panzar at carnegiemuseums.org
> 			Collection Manager, Section of Birds          ph:
> 412-622-3255
> 			Carnegie Museum of Natural History       fax:
> 412-622-8837
> 			4400 Forbes Ave.
> 			Pittsburgh  PA  15213-4008  USA

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