[NHCOLL-L:396] colubridae

Liz McGhee emcghee at museum.nhm.uga.edu
Thu Jan 13 11:07:35 EST 2000

	I am looking for opinions on the taxonomic status of the snake
family Colubridae.  We have recently moved our herp collection and I'm
beginning to curate a donated collection of about 4000 herps which will be
added to the main collection.  Before I put up all the new shelf labels, I
want to find out what those of you managing herp collections think about
the colubrids.  Some folks now recognize several families.  I am rather
conservative about taxonomic changes.  The director of my museum (who is a
zooarchaeologist) says that the water snakes are osteologically very
different from other colubrids and she feels that at least Natricidae
should be recognized.  Does anyone on the list have an opinion they'd like
to give?  Also, can anyone refer me to any citations discussing this issue?


M.Elizabeth McGhee - Asst. Curator
Mammal, Bird, Reptile and Amphibian Collections
Georgia Museum of Natural History
University of Georgia
Athens, GA  30602-1882

phone:     706-542-3940
fax:          706-542-3920

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