[NHCOLL-L:398] A conference: "The future of natural history collections"

Jackie Zak JZak at getty.edu
Wed Jan 19 14:03:36 EST 2000

Sorry for the cross-posting, but just in case...

The following announcement was forwarded from Anthony Weir of the Natural History Museum, London to the Adrian Tribe <a.tribe at bbk.ac.uk> conservation-research list owner:

>Subject: The future of natural history collections?
>The Natural History Museum will host an international conference, Nature's
>Treasurehouses?, from 4-7 April 2000 in London. It will explore natural
>history's place in society, especially at the present and in the future. The
>first of its kind, this conference is the core of a series of events at The
>Natural History Museum to celebrate the Millennium.
>Presentations and debates involving high-level speakers will tackle broad
>issues that include science, economics, media and communication, culture and
>education. This conference is for policy-makers, museum professionals,
>curators, scientists, information specialists, media and communication
>professionals, industrialists and educationalists; all those with a stake in
>the future of biological and geological diversity and sustainable
>Speakers include; Claude Allègre (French Government), Mary Alexander (Leslie
>College, USA), Jack Cohen (University of Warwick, UK), Richard Dawkins
>(University of Oxford, UK), John Durrant (The Science Museum, UK), Paul
>Henderson (The Natural History Museum, UK), Brian Huntley (Kirstenbosch
>Botanic Gardens, South Africa), Harry Kroto (University of Sussex, UK),
>Robert May (Office of Science and Technology, UK), Jeff McNeeley (IUCN,
>Switzerland), Alan Peacock (The David Hume Institute, UK), Tim Radford (The
>Guardian, UK) and Keith Scholey (BBC, UK).
>See the conference website (http://www.nhm.ac.uk/conference) for further
>Or contact.
>Nature's Treasurehouses,
>Science Directorate,
>The Natural History Museum,
>Cromwell Road,
>SW5 7BD
>conference at nhm.ac.uk 
>Tel: +44 (0)20 7942 5816 / Fax: +44 (0)20 7942 5841

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