[NHCOLL-L:409] salary analysis, part II

Panza, Robin PanzaR at CarnegieMuseums.Org
Thu Jan 27 12:02:37 EST 2000

The response to my initial request has been both gratifying and fascinating.
Gratifying because I didn't expect so many responses so fast.  I guess I hit
a nerve for a lot of us.  Fascinating because the reports have been so
varied.  One of the things I'm finding is that, especially for
University-based museums, CMs are pretty poorly regarded, being put in with
lab assistants, temps, students, and what-not instead of as professionals.

Some people have sent me the official salary ranges for their positions and
also the effects of tenure (how many years' service vs. actual salary).  I'm
finding that many institutions appear to resort to fantasy in determining
the upper end of the range.  A number of responses have indicated that
decades of work still keeps below the half-way point, and I think that's
important in the analysis, too.  Saying the range is from 20K to 50 K sounds
a lot better than that all staff are kept between 20K and 25K!  

Please, would those of you who sent me official ranges (or sent me to web
sites) please also let me know tenure vs. pay?  I guarantee this will be
completely anonymous (only you and I will ever know who's making what) in
the analysis.  I will probably just have a table without either institution
or person, like below:				 5 years
20-30% of range maximum
		10 years	20-40%
		15 years.....

I don't know exactly in what form, but I will be making these data
available.  I will either announce that people can get it by email, post it
to NHCOLL, or possibly publish it in Collection Forum.  All of these have
been suggested.

thanks for the results so far,


Robin K Panza                         panzar at carnegiemuseums.org
Collection Manager, Section of Birds          ph:  412-622-3255
Carnegie Museum of Natural History       fax: 412-622-8837
4400 Forbes Ave.
Pittsburgh  PA  15213-4008  USA

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