[NHCOLL-L:592] Canadian shopping for chest freezer & temp. loggers

Susan Woodward susanw at rom.on.ca
Thu Jun 1 10:03:58 EDT 2000

Can anyone recommend a source and model of chest freezer that reaches
-20 to -35 C, whose exterior length does not exceed 63"?  I am
definitely looking at Canadian companies to avoid exchange and extra
associated costs.  If the freezer has a lock and a temperature display,
those might be a good things as well.  I have sourced a freezer from
Canadwide Scientific (Price ~ $3000, no lock, no display) but would like
to do some comparative shopping and would value recommendations from
happy customers.

I am also in the market for a couple temperature loggers.  They are
needed to track the temperature of freezer units during "fumigation
runs" for mammal material.  Rather than going to the expense of having
an alarm system etc. tied to the freezer, I should think that having a
chart produced over a 15 day run would suffice to satisfy me that the
appropriate temperature had been maintained throughout the treatment

Thanks in advance for any comments or recommendations folks can forward.

Susan Woodward
susanw at rom.on.ca

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