[NHCOLL-L:596] Questions on paper

Rich Rabeler rabeler at umich.edu
Tue Jun 6 14:25:23 EDT 2000

We are currently assessing the procedures that we follow at the University
of Michigan Herbarium
when dealing with remounting older specimens.  Two questions have arisen
that I'd like to ask others about.

1. While many herbarium labels are now being made on laser printers using
(hopefully!) archival paper, is there any information available that
measures the "permanence" of such labels?   One idea being considered is to
photocopy the original label, mount the copy, and place the original in a
   This would be done in situations where the original label is firmly
attached to the original sheet and must be cut around.  If the original
paper is quite thick it appears this could be more easily damaged during
specimen handling.

2. Is there any evidence available to suggest that the degradation of an old
label is slowed if the label is removed from old (acidic) paper and
remounted with archival glue on archival paper?

Any comments would be most appreciated!

Richard K. Rabeler
Collections Manager, Vascular Plants
University of Michigan Herbarium
rabeler at umich.edu

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