[NHCOLL-L:488] Food in museums

bhager at dmnhnet.org bhager at dmnhnet.org
Thu Mar 9 14:14:54 EST 2000

I am in need of some information.

There has been some discussion here about opening a small diner on the
second floor of our museum.  Food would consist of sandwiches, candy, and
other small things.  Cokes would also be available.  The food would be
limited to the eating area.  Has anyone been around when food was first
introduced to your museum?  Did that introduce any new problems?  Were you
able to keep bugs, rodents and people  under control?  In thinking of the
museums I have been to, any eating area was usually in the basement.  Is
there a reason it should not be on the top floor?  There shouldn't be any
cooking so I don't worry about fires or temp changes.  The diner would be
right between 2 dinosaur exhibits and on the floor below it are 4 diorama
halls.  Any information would be appreciated because food in the museum on a
permanent basis is not something I have had to deal with before.

Britney Hager
Collections Manager
Dallas Museum of Natural History
3535 Grand Ave
Dallas  TX  75210
(214)421-3466 Ext. 205
bhager at dmnhnet.org

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