[NHCOLL-L:566] sealant for ground glass jars

Susan Jewett Jewett.Susan at NMNH.SI.EDU
Mon May 1 12:28:49 EDT 2000

I read with interest the recent paper entitled "The interactions of
preservation fluid, specimen container and sealant in a fluid collection" by
A. J. van Dam, in the Collection Forum v.14, no.1-2.  He has been kind
enough to provide me with additional information (source, application
technique) about the two sealants he experimented with, but before I pursue
any experimentation of my own, I want to query the community about what
other people are using.

We still have many old ground glass jars in our wet fish collection.  These
jars are the worst offenders of any in our collection, when it comes to
allowing rapid alcohol evaporation.  What are the rest of you (who have
alcohol collections with ground glass jars) doing in your collections to
minimize alcohol evaporation from these jars?  I would appreciate feedback
on any successful attempts to "seal" these jars.  Ideally I'd like to find a
substance that is easy to apply, forms a reasonably good barrier to ethanol
evaporation, and still allows the lid to be easily removed when the jar
needs to be opened.  Thanks!  

I'll compile and share feedback with the group.
Susan Jewett

Susan L. Jewett
Collection Manager, Division of Fishes
National Museum of Natural History
Smithsonian Institution
Washington, DC 20560-0159

Tel: 202-357-3300
Fax: 202-357-2986
email: jewett.susan at nmnh.si.edu

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