[NHCOLL-L:708] Re: CU Museum closure

John Friel jpf19 at cornell.edu
Thu Sep 7 16:35:35 EDT 2000

I just thought I would mention this to prevent any possible confusion about
which "CU" Museum will be temporary closed. I was worried that someone who
just read the subject line might confuse the museum at the University of
Colorado with that at Cornell University. This is because "CU" is the
official institutional code for the fish and herp collections of the Cornell
University Museum of Vertebrates (formerly the Cornell Vertebrate
Collections) (Leviton et. al. 1995).

Levition, A. E., Gibbs, Jr. R. H., Heal, E., and Dawson, C. E. 1985.
Standards in Herpetology and Ichthyology: Part I. Standard Symbolic
codes for Institutional Resource Collections in Herpetology and
Ichthyology. Copeia 1985(3):802-832.

on 9/7/00 1:55 PM, HUMPHREY ROSANNE L at humphrey at SPOT.COLORADO.EDU wrote:
> Greetings, and please excuse the cross posting. The University of Colorado
> Museum's Zoology Section will be  moving to a new building on the
> Boulder campus next summer. In preparation for this we will be closing all
> zoological collections by November of this year. The only exceptions to
> this will be the wet mollusk collection and the herp collection. These
> will remain open until late February of next year. During the time of
> closure, we will not take any loan requests, although we will continue to
> accept returned loan material until June, 2001. We hope to re-open the
> collections sometime in the fall/winter of 2001.  Thanks.


John Friel, Ph.D.
Curator of Fishes, Cornell University Museum of Vertebrates
Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, E151 Corson Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853-2701 USA

Phone: 607-257-8143(Museum)   607-254-4253(On-campus)
Fax:607-257-1720   jpf19 at cornell.edu  http://cumv.bio.cornell.edu

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