[NHCOLL-L:716] How do I stand up bird taxidermy mounts?

bhager at dmnhnet.org bhager at dmnhnet.org
Wed Sep 13 16:40:19 EDT 2000

I am working on improving the storage of our bird taxidermy mount
collection.  Some of the birds have no bases so I am trying to construct
some and other have wood bases and was trying to find an alternative.  Since
they have wire sticking out of the bottoms of their feet (and I am thinking
about birds like ducks, geese, hawks, eagles, etc)I need a base that is
conservation friendly and can support the weight of the bird.  Ethafoam
plank is good but too lightweight to support birds of these sizes.  Does
anyone know of a way to increase the support of an ethaform plank base or an
alternate product to use.

Britney Hager
Collections Manager
Dallas Museum of Natural History
3535 Grand Ave
Dallas  TX  75210
(214)421-3466 Ext. 205
bhager at dmnhnet.org

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