[NHCOLL-L:979] Re: mummified marmot

Sally Shelton Shelton.Sally at NMNH.SI.EDU
Tue Apr 3 22:43:27 EDT 2001

Forwarded from VRTPALEO. 

>>> tintori at e35.gp.terra.unimi.it 04/03/01 11:26AM >>>
Dear all,
a mummified marmot, found more than 25 years ago, is in my office after that for all that period the finder displayed the specimen at home without any treatment. The marmot has been found very close to a glacier in the Alps, but not in the ice and I suppose it never was inside the ice as it appears very well preserved, apart for the fur that is almost totally disappeared.

As I usually work on much older animals (Triassic fishes!) I should like to know more about this kind of preservation. If anyone had similar finds, please contact me off-list (if you think the argument not of general interest).

thank you

Prof. Andrea Tintori
Dip. Scienze della Terra
Università degli Studi di Milano
Via Mangiagalli 34
I-20133 MILANO
phone +39.02.23698202
fax   +39.02.70638261
e.mail andrea.tintori at unimi.it

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