[NHCOLL-L:984] Re: internet collections listings

Wed Apr 4 09:10:53 EDT 2001

The US National Collection of Parasites is available at:


(Ms) Judith C. Price
Secretary, Canadian Society of Zoologists
Assistant Collection Manager, Invertebrates
Canadian Museum of Nature
P.O. Box 3443, Station D
Ottawa, ON  K1P 6P4
jprice at mus-nature.ca
tel. 613 566-4263
fax 613 364-4027

Please visit us at http://www.nature.ca

>>> "Elizabeth A. Moore" <emoore at VMNH.ORG> 03-Apr-01 4:25:52 PM >>>
In an effort to increase the visibility of and access to our collections, I
am looking for online databases of collections.  I have submitted our
herpetology collections information to HERPNET at Kansas and am in the
process of gathering information on our paleo collections for the IPA
"Fossil Collections of the World" directory.  I would appreciate any
information on other online directories, listings, databases, etc. for any
other natural history collections, including archaeology/anthropology.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.


Dr. Elizabeth A. Moore, Curator of Collections
Virginia Museum of Natural History
1001 Douglas Avenue
Martinsville, VA  24112
emoore at vmnh.org 

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