[NHCOLL-L:1009] Another article

James J Kruse fnjjk1 at aurora.uaf.edu
Tue Apr 17 13:34:40 EDT 2001

Here is an interesting associated press article...

James J. Kruse, Ph.D.
Curator of Entomology
University of Alaska Museum
907 Yukon Drive, PO Box 756960
Fairbanks, AK  USA  99775-6960
Phone: 907.474.5579
Fax: 907.474.1987/5469

Eighteen Bug Bombs Destroy Apartment

The Associated Press

SAN DIEGO - Cockroaches 1, Tenants 0.

Eighteen bug bombs meant to rid an apartment of cockroaches set off an
explosion that ripped open its ceiling, shattered windows and tore
cabinets from kitchen walls.

No one was injured, though three people were in a bedroom of the
700-square-foot apartment when a pilot light set off fumes from the bug
bombs Wednesday morning. The tenants were shielded by a closed door.

"I was half asleep and heard this loud "bang, bang!" said Endo Beneberu,
17. "That got me awake."

While the explosion caused $50,000 in damage, it didn't appear to do much
to the cockroaches, which were seen crawling around the apartment as
firefighters packed up.

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