[NHCOLL-L:1402] Value for a Bald Eagle

rich at thewildlifemuseum.org rich at thewildlifemuseum.org
Mon Dec 17 14:49:02 EST 2001

To short cut a continuing discussion on how values are arrived at, the facts
are this:

The Eagle does not belong to Fish and Wildlife, at least at the time they
are interested in.  They are trying several routes to establish a value for
a bird seized in an enforcement action.  They have the cost of taxidermy,
and they have some black market costs as well from previous cases.  What
they want to know is historically, what have the insurance values assigned
to such objects been?  Not the methods used to calculate a value, as
everyone so far is quite right, there are any number of ways to go about
establishing a value.  But what, in fact, are the values which have been

I hope this sharpens the focus!


Rich White
International Wildlife Museum

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