[NHCOLL-L:1406] Birds in Flight

CSTRINGER at portsmouthcc.gov.uk CSTRINGER at portsmouthcc.gov.uk
Wed Dec 19 14:05:30 EST 2001

 From: Clare Stringer
       Natural Science Officer
       Tel: (023) 9282 7261 X2260
 Subject: Birds in Flight

 Dear All,

 I am curating a collection of birds that have all been mounted with fully
  extended wings in a flying position. They are mostly small species but there a
 re about 15 larger birds (swans, grey herons and the like). They are currently
 stored in a dreadful way (wrapped in plastic and stacked haphazardly on top of
 one another) and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions/experience in th
 e proper storage of such taxidermy. They were stuffed at the beginning of the l
 ast century and originally designed to be suspended by wire from internal iron
 rings. Unfortunately I do not trust these rings anymore (some are quite degrade
 d) and I do not know how easy, practical or long term it would be to replace th
 Any suggestions would be gratefully received.

 Happy Christmas and yours sincerely,

 Natural Science Officer
 Portsmouth City Council

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