[NHCOLL-L:880] Know what we need?

Holly I. McEntee hmcentee at facstaff.wisc.edu
Wed Feb 7 10:12:48 EST 2001

Say, if there's anyone out there willing to work on a book for the
"Dummies" series titled "U.S. Wildlife Permit Laws for Dummies" I'm MORE
than interested in helping.

I'm sort of kidding, but having just slogged through yet another meeting
with researchers who act totally surprised at the idea that there are
wildlife laws on the books and permits that are needed in order to comply
with said laws I'm desperate for ideas on how to educate the very people
who most need to know about the laws in place and how to work with the
system instead of against it.  I worry too about the students who are being
trained by these folks - they aren't learning about permits and laws,
either.  "U.S. Wildlife Permit Laws for Dummies" should be required reading
for every natural history-related graduate student, if it existed.

Sorry for the outburst, but it's frustrating.  Can I get a hallelujah?


Holly McEntee, Registrar and Permits Coordinator
University of Wisconsin Zoological Museum
Lowell E. Noland Zoology Building
250 N. Mills Street
Madison, WI  53706-1794
Phone/Fax:  608-262-3766/5395
hmcentee at facstaff.wisc.edu

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