[NHCOLL-L:906] Re: Pro-Am and donations

Vr. Richard Bejsak-Colloredo-Mansfeld ricardo at ans.com.au
Mon Feb 19 19:40:20 EST 2001

Dear colleagues,
I am feel sorry if some private and amateurs collection is lost for basic
reason that /if some local museum do not have proper resources to accept a
donation of the collection.
I have feeling that there are many museums especially outside of USA who not
only love to accept donation of beetles and other insects but who really
needs to get insects from other countries.
I will be pleased to create section on my website www.coleoptera.org and
display  further information for museums which are interested to receive any
beetle/coleoptera collections.


> >There are many reasons for an institution declining to accept a donation.
> >Most importantly, although the material is free, housing and caring for
> >are not.  Many public collections are in tenuous financial positions.
> >Since funding is limited an institution must decide whether a donation is
> >in line with its mission and whether the material can be housed and cared
> >for indefinitely.  These are difficult decisions that curators do not
> >lightly.  These decisions would be a bit easier if donors included
> >and cabinets (or $ for same) with their donations.

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