[NHCOLL-L:911] Use of Fluid Collections with Elementary Students

Bill & Jody Ullmann wullmann at erols.com
Tue Feb 27 21:18:38 EST 2001

I work for the Virginia Living Museum, a museum whose mission is
education.  Our entire collections are used for educational purposes.
We do a program on reptiles and amphibians and use eggs from salamanders
and frogs, as well as turtle eggs to show the differences between
reptile eggs and amphibian eggs.  The best fixative and preservative for
eggs is formalin, but there is some concern at the museum about the
safety of passing around jars of eggs in formalin.  (Breakage of
containers, leaking of liquids, etc.) We are in need of information
regarding alternatives and their effects on the eggs.  We would like the
egg masses to last as long as possible, but they need not last forever.
We have looked at ways to get rid of the risk altogether (another
preservative) and ways to reduce the risk as much as possible (double
bottles, use of parafilm to seal, etc.).  Any suggestions or inventive
ideas will be greatly appreciated.

Jody Ullmann
Collections Manager, VLM
wullmann at erols.com
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