[NHCOLL-L:1114] Moving the Univ. of Michigan Herbarium

Rich Rabeler rabeler at umich.edu
Mon Jul 23 15:00:45 EDT 2001

The University of Michigan Herbarium is now preparing for a move to
temporary quarters off campus. While the actual move is now scheduled for
late January through early March of 2002, access to the collection and
library will be impacted both before and after that date. We would like to
ask for assistance from the community in three ways:

Visitors:  Anyone planning to visit MICH should plan to do so either before
31 October 2001 or after 1 June 2002.  Please contact the appropriate
curator in advance of any visit.  Most of the collection will not be
accessible from November through May.  Space for visitors to work will not
exist during the actual move.

Loan requests: Please request any loans from MICH soon!  The Vascular Plant
collection (including Pteridophytes) will be closed for loan activity from
31 October 2001 until 1 June 2002; the Fungus collection plans to resume
loan activity on 1 April 2002; please contact the appropriate curator for
information on other collections.  Loan requests received “during the move”
could be delayed for weeks or even months.

Shipments to MICH: Please limit shipments being sent to MICH between
November 2001 and April 2002.  We will not be in a position to process loan
returns, exchange, etc.

We will try to keep the community apprised of any major changes to this
schedule if that becomes necessary.


Richard K. Rabeler
Collections Manager, Vascular Plants
University of Michigan Herbarium

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