[NHCOLL-L:1068] Molluscan preservation

Gene Hall Eugene.Hall at colorado.edu
Fri Jun 8 12:54:42 EDT 2001

Dear colleagues,

	Here at the CU Museum we are investigating ways to modify or improve our 
storage of molluscan specimens in the wet collections. We are considering 
the use of buffered alcohol and would like to hear feedback from other 
museums regarding this preservation technique.
	We are also considering alternatives for housing wet specimens and would 
appreciate suggestions regarding plastic or glass containers. We are 
looking for long-term storage containers that allow no escape of alcohol 
and will not effect preservation of specimens which may or may not be used 
for molecular analysis.
	Any feedback on preservation fluids and storage containers is greatly 

Gene Hall
Collections Manager
Invertebrate Zoology Section
Colorado University Museum
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309
CU Museum: http://www.colorado.edu/CUMUSEUM/index.html

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