[NHCOLL-L:1073] Coleoptera Histeridae preserved in amber from Dominican Republic

Fabio Penati museo.morbegno at provincia.so.it
Tue Jun 12 06:11:50 EDT 2001

Dear Colleagues,
I have recently received a piece of amber from Santo Domingo with a perfectly preserved specimen of Histeridae (a beetle) included.
I am a specialist of this beetle family, but I have never worked on specimens preserved in amber nor I have known anything about Histeridae in amber before.
So, I would be really grateful to everyone will be able to give me bibliographical references on:
1 - methods for studying and describing insects preserved in amber;
2 - fossil coleoptera from Santo Domingo amber;
3 - Coleoptera Histeridae preserved in amber.
Thank you very much indeed.
Fabio Penati
Museo Civico di Storia Naturale
Via Cortivacci, 2
23017 Morbegno (Sondrio) Italy
phone +39 0342 612451
fax     +39 0342 615528
e-mail: museo.morbegno at provincia.so.it

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