[NHCOLL-L:925] mounted specimen care

John Delton Hanson jdh95i at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 5 08:57:58 EST 2001

I have a question for any and all who can answer it. 
We have in our possession 2 or 3 bird specimens (large
raptors)that were professionally mounted a long time
ago.  They are too big to go in any cases and not in
good enough shape to be on display.  I have read in
different museum methods books that it is possible to
transfer study skins to mounts and even mounts to
study skins.  These specimens would be good study
skins for out teaching collection, if it were possible
to transfer them.  I am not worried about messing them
up, our curator has slated them for destruction in
their current state and has given me permission to try
and make use of them this way, if it doesn't work no
loss, if it does all gain.  Do any of you know a
procedure for changing mounted specimens into study
skins?  I would greatly appreciate the help.

John Hanson

Angelo State Natural History Museum
Angelo State University
San Angelo TX 76909

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