[NHCOLL-L:943] Re: Heritage Hotline

Sally Shelton Shelton.Sally at NMNH.SI.EDU
Tue Mar 13 12:18:36 EST 2001

>>> HP Membership <membership at heritagepreservation.org> 03/13/01 12:08PM >>>
Heritage Hotline

If you are considering submitting an application for Save America's 
Treasures funding this year or next, please read this message.   President 
Bush's budget for FY 2002the fiscal year that begins October 1--does not 
contain funding for the Save America's Treasures grants program.  Although 
Congress may well reinstate the funding, the absence of support from the 
administration increases the possibility that 2001 could be the last year 
that funding will be available.  Therefore, if you have been thinking that 
you  would wait and apply next year, you may want to reconsider.  The 
deadline for 2001 applications is April 11.

This program is NOT just for historic buildings and sites.  It DOES fund 
projects that protect collections of national significance.  To read about 
one collection project that received funding last year, at the Arizona 
State Museum, visit the Heritage Preservation web site, 
www.heritagepreservation.org.  Additional information about applying to the 
program is also available through our site.

If you have questions about any of this feel free to contact Moira Egan or 
Clare Hansen at megan at heritagepreservation.org or 
chansen at heritagepreservation.org, or at 202/634-1422.

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