[NHCOLL-L:1026] Back issues of IL NATURALISTA VALTELLINESE available on request

Fabio Penati museo.morbegno at provincia.so.it
Wed May 2 06:02:48 EDT 2001

Dear Colleagues,
the Natural History Museum of Morbegno (Italy) is the editor of "Il Naturalista Valtellinese - Atti del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Morbegno".
Volume 1 has been published in 1990 and vol. 11 (2000) is actually in press. Volumes from 2 (1991) to 10 (1999) are available and we would be happy to send them on request, without any cost, by surface mail.
If you are interested, you can find the contents (in English) of each published volume clicking on the covers at the page http://fc.provincia.so.it/~museo.morbegno/page8.html/
Exchange agreements are welcome, but not necessary.

Fabio Penati

Museo Civico di Storia Naturale
Via Cortivacci, 2
23017 Morbegno (Sondrio)
e-mail: museo.morbegno at provincia.so.it
web: http://fc.provincia.so.it/~museo.morbegno/
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