[NHCOLL-L:1255] One month left to prepare MAP grant applications

Beth Merritt bmerritt at aam-us.org
Wed Oct 3 09:53:07 EDT 2001

One month left to prepare MAP grant applications
These non-competitive grants are easy to apply for-most applicants report it
takes only 4 hours to complete the application. (Applicants for MAP
Governance Assessment are advised to start preparing the application early,
as it needs to include a resolution from your governing authority approving
your participation.) The Museum Assessment Program can help your museum
improve its operations through a three-phase process consisting of
self-study, peer review, and implementation.  

These grants are available from the Institute of Museum and Library
Services, and underwrite most of the costs of an assessment.  (Museum cost
share ranges from $300-$980, depending on museum budget size and assessment
type.) The next deadline for IMLS MAP funding is November 1, 2001.  Grants
are awarded on a first-come, first serve basis. Contact MAP staff at the
American Association of Museums for the AAM/MAP program and IMLS/MAP grant
applications, 202-289-9118 or map at aam-us.org <mailto:map at aam-us.org> , or
download electronic copies from our Web site at www.aam-us.org

There are four Assessments available:

Institutional Assessment - provides an overview of the management and
operations of the entire museum.
Collections Management Assessment- reviews the entire operations of the
museum and how they affect the collections; primarily focuses on collections
planning, policy and procedure
Public Dimension Assessment-reviews the entire operations of the museum and
how they serve the museum's audience; looks at the organization from the
outside in while focusing on the public's perception of, experience with,
and involvement with the museum 
Governance Assessment-(New in 2001) helps the museum's governing authority
examine their structure, roles, and responsibilities. Enhances their ability
to advance the museum's mission and engage in effective planning.  Can
result in:
*	clearer understanding of the responsibilities of the governing
*	improvements in board recruitment, retention, and engagement
*	increased ability to obtain and manage resources

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