[NHCOLL-L:1297] Re: digital camera question

Alfred Newton anewton at fieldmuseum.org
Thu Oct 25 21:15:25 EDT 2001

At 04:59 PM 25-10-2001 -0700, Steve Heydon wrote:
>Hello All,
>      We recently purchased a Nikon CoolPix 995 digital camera for our 
>museum. We are wondering if anyone out there knows of an adaptor for 
>mounting this camera onto dissecting microscopes. It sort of works 
>now if you hold it up against the eyepiece manually, but someone must 
>make a nice little adaptor.


National Graphic Supply of Albany NY specializes in such microscope/camera
adaptors.  Their Coolpix Flyer #3 shows at least two types of adaptors for
the CoolPix 990/995 cameras: one that fits onto a standard C-mount on a
phototube, and one that fits into a standard eyepiece (both 23 and 30mm ID
tubes).  I just found out about this company this week and haven't seen the
products yet, but will probably order one soon.  Call or email George Laing
at the address below,  indicating your camera and microscope type, and he
can email you the flyer and answer any questions including prices (the
above adaptors are in the $210-$300 range):

George Laing
National Graphic Supply
v:(800) 223-7130 x3109
f:(800) 832-2205
email: scisales at ngscorp.com


Alfred F. Newton    <anewton at fieldmuseum.org>
Zoology Department/Insect Division
Field Museum of Natural History    <http://www.fmnh.org>
1400 South Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, IL 60605 USA
    **Note NEW NUMBERS after 21 May 1999:  
	Tel. (direct line):  312-665-7738
	Fax (Zoology Dept.):  312-665-7754

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