[NHCOLL-L:1570] A pest control study of new buildings

Suzanne Lewis slewis at mus-nature.ca
Fri Apr 19 14:29:35 EDT 2002

Dear Colleagues,

My name is Suzanne Lewis. I am currently working alongside Rob Waller and Tom Strang on a project looking at insect population increase in new buildings.  With this message we are seeking to establish contact with people who would share pest monitoring data.  If you have pest monitoring data for a building constructed less than 20 years ago we would be very interested to see this information.

Please reply to me at slewis at mus-nature.ca with the name of your institute and the age of the building.  I will then send details of what specific information we are looking for.

We will share our results with all contributors of data and hope to publish or otherwise broadly share the pooled data and conclusions.  Anonymity of data from individual institutions will be respected.

Thanking you in advance

Suzanne Lewis

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