[NHCOLL-L:1580] RE: Specimen labels in ethanol

Carl W. Dick cdick at TTU.EDU
Wed Apr 24 09:12:24 EDT 2002

Dear Simon:

I was interested in this topic some time ago, and received responses to a
post on the Acarology list.  I am thankful to all who replied to my original
message regarding printers and alcohol-proof labels.  I've collated the
responses below.

Upon certain recommendations, I purchased a Lexmark Z53 printer and print
the labels on Byron Weston Linen Record Paper 1979.  To be safe, I write the
specimen or catalog number on the back of the label with a Micron Pigma pen.

Best regards,

Carl W. Dick
Systematics and Evolution Program
Department of Biological Sciences
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas  79409-3131
Tel: 806-742-3039
FAX: 806-742-2963
E-mail: cdick at ttu.edu

-----Original Message-----
From: Carl W. Dick [mailto:cdick at ttacs.ttu.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 8:39 AM
To: acarology at nhm.ac.uk
Subject: Laser printers for alcohol "proof" labels

Dear Acarologists:

I need to produce specimen labels that are indelible in alcohol.
Preferably, I would employ the appropriate laser printer/ink combination.
However, on the web I find generally that "laser-printed labels are not
necessarily alcohol-proof".  Might anyone have more detailed information or
suggestions regarding this topic?

Thanks in advance,


> From: Steven Krauth [mailto:krauth at plantpath.wisc.edu]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 9:03 AM
> To: Carl W. Dick
> Subject: Re: Laser printers for alcohol "proof" labels
> Hello Carl
> Just a couple of suggestions.
> 1. You might have better/more luck posting this to the entomology
> list entomo-l.  There was some discussion of this subject a while
> back but I didn't archive messages.
> 2. There is a list for museum people call nhcoll-l.  They also deal
> with alcohol proof labels.
> Some cross posting might be a good idea.
> Hope this helps.
> Cheers,
> Steve


From: Roy A. Norton [mailto:ranorton at esf.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 9:17 AM
To: cdick at TTU.EDU
Subject: RE: Laser printers for alcohol "proof" labels

One trick with laser-labels is to use good (100% rag) paper, and to heat the
label after it is printed, such that the carbon melts into the fibers. (it
becomes shiny, easily seen under the stereo scope)ALso, try to avoid bending
the label afterwards. After 10 years, I've had no chipping or other loss of
printing on such labels, whereas nearly all that were un-melted are
virtually useless through flaking.

The key is to set a temperature on your drying oven that is just hot enough
to melt the carbon after 10-15 minutes, but no higher.  (I'd tell you what
that temperature is, but I only know the oven-setting number that I use). If
left too long, the paper browns and becomes brittle.

also, I always put a collection code on the back of such labels in India ink
or pencil)

Roy Norton


> From: Rudy Jocque [mailto:jocque at africamuseum.be]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 9:29 AM
> To: cdick at TTACS.TTU.EDU; handre at africamuseum.be
> Subject: Re: Fwd: Laser printers for alcohol "proof" labels
> Dear,
> your request concerning alcohol-proof labels was passed to me by
> H. André. We
> are very much concerned by the issue as we have huge collections in
> alcohol.(appr. 200 000 samples).
> Since a few years we use "Teslin" in ordinary B/W laser printers.
> (before that
> we used Tyvek with a daisy-wheel which gave a perfect albeit
> large label, but
> these printers are out of use). Teslin is an synthetic substratum
> (manufactured
> by Dupont if I remember well) that resists alcohol and does not
> melt in the oven
> of laser printers and photocopiers! Yet a test in a colour laser
> printer gave
> bad results as this oven appeared to be hotter. The Teslin sheet
> did not melt
> but became so supple that it folded in the machine and clogged it.
> Since our trials do not yet exceed three years, we always add a
> hand-written
> (indian ink on opaline paper, a system that has proved reliable
> for almost 80
> years now) register number which refers to the unique database
> number where all
> the data concerning the sample are stored. You never know!
> I would appreciate to hear what other colleagues use.
> All the best,
> --


> From: Martin Hoyle [mailto:plxmh at nottingham.ac.uk]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 9:45 AM
> To: cdick at TTU.EDU
> Subject: Re: Laser printers for alcohol "proof" labels
> Hi,
> I'm no mite expert, but I use pencil on paper. Pencil does not
> dissolve in alcohol.
> Martin.
> Martin Hoyle


> From: Margaret K. Thayer [mailto:mthayer at fieldmuseum.org]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 9:54 AM
> To: cdick at TTU.EDU
> Subject: Re: labels in alcohol
> Hi Carl,
> What we've been using for the last year or so, and entomologists at the
> Canadian Museum of Nature for about 3 years, is Lexmark Z51 (CMN) or Z52
> (FMNH) color inkjet printers.  The current model in this series
> is the Z53,
> which uses the same cartridges.  Within a few seconds after printing, the
> black ink is insoluble in water, alcohol (70-100% tested), and
> even acetone
> and ethyl acetate.  (In contrast, the latter two instantly dissolve laser
> toner that is impervious to alcohol.)  Choice of paper is also important,
> and our standard alcohol label paper, Byron Weston Linen Record
> Paper 1979
> works well with these printers.  (Dan Summers <dsummers at fieldmuseum.org>
> could provide more details on the paper if you need them.)  I don't like
> the Lexmark quite so well for pin labels (3.5 point, as opposed
> to 6 pt for
> alcohol), although at high resolution (1200 x 1200) it's pretty good.
> (Under magnification, the letters are not quite so well-formed as on a
> laser printer.)  But for streblids, that's probably not an issue.  The
> colored inks, unfortunately, are highly water soluble; it would
> be nice if
> we could print colored type labels.
> Hope this helps.
> Margaret
> P.S. I think the Z53 sells for about $150 or maybe less.


> From: Hugo Fernandez [mailto:hugof at selway.umt.edu]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 10:03 AM
> To: cdick at TTU.EDU
> Subject: Re: Laser printers for alcohol "proof" labels
> Hi Carl: In my country (Argentina) my colleges use the old
> printers with ribbon
> in case (I don't know what is the correct name). Do you
> remember?, the old and
> slow printers and does work very good. If you need more information please
> contact to Eduardo Dominguez (mayfly at unt.edu.ar), but be patient
> because he is
> in vacations now until next monday, I guess.
> Cheers
> Hugo R. Fernandez


> From: Ilya Smelyansky [mailto:ilya at ecoclub.nsu.ru]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 9:23 AM
> To: Carl W. Dick
> Subject: Re: Laser printers for alcohol "proof" labels
> Dear Carl,
> I have my personal expirience only. I use a ordinar laser printer
> (HP LaserJet and others) and ordinar paper for laser printer (80
> g/sq.m). Alcohol resistance of these labels is completely satisfactory
> for as least 4 yrs.
> Best wishes,
> Ilya Smelansky


> From: ronald ochoa [mailto:rochoa at sel.barc.usda.gov]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 11:38 AM
> To: cdick at TTU.EDU
> Subject: Re: Laser printers for alcohol "proof" labels
> Contact
> Barry OConnor
> BMOC at umich.edu
> he has experience on the topic
> Ronald Ochoa, Ph. D.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-nhcoll-l at lists.yale.edu
> [mailto:owner-nhcoll-l at lists.yale.edu]On Behalf Of Simon Grove
> Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 11:01 PM
> To: NHCOLL-L at lists.yale.edu
> Subject: [NHCOLL-L:1576] Specimen labels in ethanol
> Hello
> Does anyone know whether I am safe to assume that specimen labels
> printed by a laser printer will last (e.g. for years or decades)
> when immersed in spirit (70% ehtanol)?  I'm printing onto 100%
> cotton parchment rather than paper because I believe this is less
> likely to disintegrate, but that's neither here nor there if the
> ink might ultimately come off the labels anyway.  If the answer
> is that labels won't last under these conditions, what are the
> practical and affordable alternatives?
> Thanks
> Simon Grove
> `'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,
> Dr Simon J Grove, Biology and Conservation Branch,
> Division of Forest Research and Development
> Forestry Tasmania, GPO Box 207, Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia.
> Tel. 61 3 6233 8141.  Fax 61 3 6233 8292.
> Email:  simon.grove at forestrytas.com.au.
> Web address: http://forestrytas.com.au/

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