[NHCOLL-L:1676] IPM Data Management

delre at mpm.edu delre at mpm.edu
Tue Aug 13 16:07:30 EDT 2002

Please excuse any cross-postings:

This is a question for those of you who are currently running an IPM program
or monitoring pests in any kind of way.

We are developing a IPM database using Access.  Because of the difficulty in
writing coherent reports, we thought to ask others what they use.  What do
you use to manage your data?  database...spreadsheet...charts??
We are also currently using a mapping program (Surfer) with our database to
better visualize data .  Is there anything that works extremely well for
your specific needs  or situation??  Is there anything in the literature
that I have overlooked that covers this?

Thank you very much, Chris  

Christine Del Re		Voice:	(414) 278-2780
Senior Conservator		Fax:	(414) 278-6100
Milwaukee Public Museum	e-mail:	delre at mpm.edu
800 W. Wells St.
Milwaukee, WI  53233-1478

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