[NHCOLL-L:1455] More info - Legislation Governing the Loan of Australian Museum andHerbariumSpecimens

Tue Feb 5 08:51:38 EST 2002

After reading the message that Sally forwarded to the list, I wrote to Angela Tsang for a copy of the form.  She replied that she is not really the person to contact but she sent me a copy anyway.  I had a few questions about the form so I emailed Environment Australia (the address is on the form).  The reply (see below) indicates that the Canadian Museum of Nature does not have to re-register because we are already registered with the Canadian CITES Secretariat.  Your institution may not have to re-register either but you should check it out.

Peter Frank
Chief Registrar
Canadian Museum of Nature

Reply from Environment Australia:

Mr Frank
It is correct that the new regulations apply to exchanges of both plant
and animal specimens (except live animals).
If you are listed on the Index Herbariorum, you can miss questions
10-13 and can be registered to exchange both plant and animal
However, if your organisation is already registered with the Canadian
CITES secretariat, then you do not need an additional registration for
the purposes of exchanging non-CITES Australian native specimens. If
this applies, then you do not need to register with us, but just use
your CITES registration code when exchanging both types of specimens.

I hope this clarifies the issues for you.


Michelle van der Voort
Wildlife Science and Management
Environment Australia
GPO Box 787
Canberra ACT 2601
ph (02) 6274 2339, fax (02) 6274 2395
email michelle.van.der.voort at ea.gov.au 

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