[NHCOLL-L:1429] Stamp-pad inks and self-inking stamps

Deborah A Lewis dlewis at iastate.edu
Wed Jan 16 17:18:13 EST 2002


Is Actinic ink considered to be the only/best archivally permanent ink for 
stamp pads? Are there any suppliers of self-inking stamps who use Actinic 
or India ink or another good quality (or permanent) ink? What are most 
folks using these days for stamping seals denoting the institution or other 
uses on specimens or labels, either for stamp pads or self-inking stamps? 
We are trying the "Actinic ink kit" with the wooden blocks for the first 
time, and the student using it is complaining that the ink build-up on the 
stamp is causing problems. Is there an easy solution to this? (She wants us 
to get a self-inking stamp instead...)

While I don't recall this being discussed (at least not recently), please 
let me know if this information is retrievable from the list archive. Many 
thanks for any help!

Deb Lewis

Deborah Q. Lewis, Curator
Ada Hayden Herbarium (ISC)             E-mail: dlewis at iastate.edu
Department of Botany                        Phone: [1] 515-294-9499
Iowa State University                         FAX:  [1] 515-294-1337
Ames, IA  50011-1020

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