[NHCOLL-L:1447] Gorillas and VASSEUR of Paris

Michael Cooper michaelc at notmusbhy.demon.co.uk
Thu Jan 31 08:15:52 EST 2002

Hi chaps

In 1878 Nottingham Free Natural History Museum bought a mounted gorilla from
the firm of Vasseur of Paris. We still have him (he's definitely male,
despite having been, er, reduced several times over the years), and he's one
of our most popular exhibits. There is a story associated with him (a bit of
curatorial folklore basically) that claims he predates the accepted advent
of mounted gorillas in Europe with du Chaillu in the 1850s. But trying to
track down the origin of this story has proved impossible, and the museum's
own acquisition records from this period are too vague to help. We have
heard a rumour that the Vasseur company's archives survive "somewhere in
America" - but where? Does anyone know anything about this company and its


Michael P. Cooper
Registrar, Nottingham Museums & Galleries
Direct Line: 0115 915 3671
Fax: 0115 915 3601

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