[NHCOLL-L:1723] Re: Archival Paper

Diane Gutenkauf dgutenka at mortonarb.org
Thu Oct 10 09:55:52 EDT 2002

Many registrars use Tyvek (r), a spun bonded polyester fabric. It can be written on with a solvent resistant ink or typed on using an impact printer. It is also dermestid resistant. 

Diane Gutenkauf
The Morton Arboretum

>>> "JD Dubick" <JD.Dubick at noaa.gov> 10/10/02 08:31AM >>>
To the List:

I am looking for a source of archival quality, non-acidic, 100% 
rag/cotton paper to be used as labels for benthic infaunal  specimens 
stored in 70% ethanol. I need a good substitute for Resistall which 
holds up very well over time, but is acidic. Any help would be appreciated.



JD Dubick 
219 Ft. Johnson Rd.
Charleston, SC 29412
tel. (843) 762.8655
fax. (843) 762.8700
email JD.Dubick at noaa.gov 

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