[NHCOLL-L:1732] Re: Acidity

Steve Halford halford at sfu.ca
Tue Oct 22 13:51:24 EDT 2002

On Tue, 22 Oct 2002, Heidi Fourie wrote:

 what they did was to test the
> blotting paper on either side of the paintings/drawings.

So this sounds more like you are dealing with old, acidic blotting paper
than an acidic storeroom.  Replace the blotting paper with acid-free,
lignin free (buffered? maybe...) paper at once.  Meanwhile, test the pH
of the walls of the room, the mummy case etc.

You might want to invest in some pH test strips to do your own testing.
They can be had for only a few dollars a pack.


Steve (halford at sfu.ca)
Museum Technician
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, B.C., Canada

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