[NHCOLL-L:1885] Seeking info on status of Iraq Museum of Natural History

Beth Merritt bmerritt at aam-us.org
Mon Apr 14 11:12:45 EDT 2003

Dear Colleagues,
AAM is trying to gather information on the status of museums in Iraq to find
out if there are ways we can assist our colleagues in that country. We know
there is a museum of natural history in Iraq (in Baghdad, I believe) but are
not familiar with its holdings, nor its current status (other than one news
program that showed burned rooms and specimens). Please contact me if you
have any information on:
-  the museum, its collections, or status. 
- the existence of any collections, such as paleontological material, that
may have value on the international market, as we are trying to help
coordinate listing looted material in appropriate forums. 
- the name of the director of the natural history museum, we are asking the
assistance of the State Department in contacting Iraqi museum directors to
discuss how we can help.
- contact info for any professional societies or associations also working
on this issue, as we are seeking to partner with any other groups when
Thank you very much for your assistance.
Yours sincerely,
BM__MailAutoSigBeth Merritt
Director, Museum Advancement & Excellence
American Association of Museums
1575 Eye Street, NW Suite 400
Washington, DC 20005
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