[NHCOLL-L:1922] Mould problem

Vicen Carrio v.carrio at nms.ac.uk
Wed Apr 30 10:03:57 EDT 2003

Dear all,
I have done a mould of Priscacara liops (fossil fish) from Kemmerer
(Wyoming) with Silastic 3498. The data in the fish mould is great and the
fish is intact. Saying that, I had a minor problem!.  The matrix has been
damaged by the silastic and it looks like is oily now.
Does anyone know how to get rid off the marks in the matrix?
Thanks in advance,
Ms Vicen Carrió 
Geological Conservator / Preparator
National Museums of Scotland
Chambers Street
Edinburgh, EH1 1JF 
Scotland, UK
Tel: 44-(0)131-2474254(direct dial)
Fax: 44-(0)131- 2204819
E-mail: v.carrio at nms.ac.uk
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