[NHCOLL-L:2052] RE: Moving Collections

Sam sam at qty.com
Wed Aug 20 14:49:48 EDT 2003

Moving mineral specimens-

Maybe these days you know of a better packing material than dry cleaner 
bags for very delicate mineral specimens.  The bags are the very thin 
(polyethylene?) plastic ones used to cover your  suits/dresses when you get 
them back from the cleaners.  Wad them up like you would newspaper when 
packing ordinary items.  Use a relatively larger container packed more 
loosely for the more delicate items.  You don't want the specimen to move 
much with ordinary handling, but if the container receives a large impact, 
looser packing will allow it to move a longer distance within the container 
thus stretching out the deceleration period. To get a feel for how much 
packing to use, experimenting with a few items that are similar to the real 
specimens might be a good idea.

Avinet, Inc.

At 11:41 AM 8/20/03 -0400, you wrote:
>When we moved the collections of the Canadian Museum of Nature five years
>ago, ................[snip]

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