[NHCOLL-L:2055] RE: Moving Collections

Vicen Carrio v.carrio at nms.ac.uk
Mon Aug 25 06:34:26 EDT 2003

Dear Jody,
I was involved in 1990 with the first removal of the Museum Rodrigo Botet in
Valencia (Spain), since then, the whole collection was moved two more times.
You can contact Margarita Belinchon, Museo de Ciencias Naturales, C/General
Elio s/número, Jardins del Real, E-46010, Valencia, España. She is the
Director and the responsible for the 3 moves.
I am not sure about her e-mail, but you can try:
taphos2002 at paleopolis.rediris.es <mailto:taphos2002 at paleopolis.rediris.es> 
Several publications were done, but only one in English.
Belinchon, M., C. Diguez, A. Montero & P. Montoya. (1997). The removal of
Museu Paleontologico *Rodrigo Botet* (Valencia, Spain) under disaster
conditions. The Geological Curator, 6(8):297-303.
Good luck with the move,
Ms Vicen Carrió 
Geological Conservator / Preparator
National Museums of Scotland
Chambers Street
Edinburgh, EH1 1JF 
Scotland, UK
Tel: 44-(0)131-2474254(direct dial)
Fax: 44-(0)131- 2204819
Mobile: 44 (0) 7931727386
E-mail: v.carrio at nms.ac.uk
-----Original Message-----
From: Jody Ullman [mailto:collections at valivingmuseum.org] 
Sent: 15 August 2003 22:34
To: nhcoll-l at lists.yale.edu
Subject: [NHCOLL-L:2040] Moving Collections
As Collections Manager of a Natural History museum, I have been tasked with
developing a budget for the cleaning, packing and moving of our entire
collections into a new collections storage area in the same building.  The
collection consists of the following:
Zoological specimens- 30,000 mounts, eggs, nests, skeletons, etc. 
Fluid Collections-500 jars of various sizes
Herbarium specimens- 1000
Geological specimens-20,000
Palentological specimens- 120,000
If anyone has had experience moving such a  collection and is willing to
impart information and advice, please reply off list at
collections at valivingmuseum.org <mailto:collections at valivingmuseum.org> 
Thank you,
Jody Ullmann
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