[NHCOLL-L:2058] Specimen labeling

Rich Rabeler rabeler at umich.edu
Tue Aug 26 16:24:53 EDT 2003

We have about 600 specimens that were collected in the early 1970s which,
prior to our obtaining them about three years ago, were probably stored "in
the open", with the bundles exposed to light.  The edges of many of the
newspapers have yellowed and some of the labels that have been in contact
with that newspaper now show similar signs of aging.

The question I would like to raise involves the labels.  If one mounts the
labels with archival glue onto 100% rag content paper buffered to neutral,
is it likely that the deterioration of the labels will be slowed? Since they
will not be in contact with acidic newsprint and will be in cases, I would
think the answer might be "yes".

Or should I photocopy the labels onto archival paper?



Rich Rabeler
Collections Manager, Vascular Plants
University of Michigan Herbarium
3600 Varsity Drive
Ann Arbor MI 48108-2287

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